Author Topic: Chemical Structure of Pheromones. Attract Opposite Sex With  (Read 105 times)


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Chemical Structure of Pheromones. Attract Opposite Sex With
« on: September 08, 2016, 05:56:13 am »
Chemical Structure of Pheromones - Attract Opposite Sex With Pheromone Cologne
Have you ever meet a girl that you just "clicked" with and had instant chemistry? Have you ever noticed that some guys are always the center of attention with women? Have you ever had a girl tell you she really likes your smell, when ironically, you weren't wearing any cologne? Did you know that some women living together or working in the same office will often share the exact same menstrual cycle? Something is going on here, and each situation has "something" in common. That "something" is an unspoken and powerful chemical language that humans communicate with on a very instinctive and subconscious level. That language is the language of pheromones.

Location of the VNO in the Human Nasal Cavity
There are countless studies and reports that PROVE the effects of human sex pheromones, demonstrating that humans DO produce and DO react to pheromones!For example, in controlled experiments, women exposed to men's axillary pheromones found the men they viewed MUCH more sexually attractive! Another study revealed that 74% of women, when exposed to sex pheromones, reported more sexual intercourse with men! They also reported increases in formal dates, petting, affection, kissing, and a greater desire to sleep closer to their partner! A similar study conducted with men exposed to sex pheromones concluded with similar results, as men reported more sexual intercourse, affection, kissing, and dates! Further discoveries in science are supporting the influence of pheromones on human sexual behavior with the discovery of the gene V1RL1 that codes for a pheromone receptor in people!-?         Read More..... We consider that we have only touched the perimeter of information available on Pheromones. There is still a lot more to be learnt!

"Only AXCITE- will give you the edge to create INSTANT sexual chemistry with the opposite sex! "  Pheromones are a well-established system of communication that animals and people use to communicate on a subconscious level. Pheromones are chemicals that signal a specific behavioral response such as defense, territorial rites, and even the desire to have sex. You can't see them, smell them, or taste them, but they are there, affecting our actions and reactions unbeknownst to us, all the time. Perhaps you may not have been interested in this passage on Pheromones. In that case, please don't spread this feedback around!

For Guys, Attraction is Simple
We see a hot a girl, and we know instantly if we're sexually attracted to her based on that visual stimulus. For women, it's not so simple. How many times have you seen a gorgeous girl with a guy who's just average? I bet you asked yourself "How'd that happen?" And when's the last time the "nice guy" got all the girls? Unfortunately, that never happens. Women base their attraction to men on a POWERFUL, instinctive feeling they get. Women just know. And guess what-Now YOU can make any woman KNOW that YOU are the one she's sexually attracted to with AXCITE-!How is this possible?

  • Look for review of the top rated pheromones ?
  • I have done lots of research on pheromones and wanted to know what product to buy but wasn't sure.
  • I consider the best pheromone to be the most effective and also rated the highest among users.
Androsterone -- Androsterone is a human pheromone that produces a sense of trust around it's wearer. This pheromone creates an aura of safety, protection, reliability and leadership normally associated with a more peaceful alpha male. As the information we produce in our writing on Pheromones may be utilized by the reader for informative purposes, it is very important that the information we provide be true. We have indeed maintained this.

Top 5 Rated Pheromone Products        While "best" may be a subjective term. customer feedback and online polls have shown the following to be cosidered the top 5 pheromone products:

How to Compare the Top Rated Pheromones
Below are the three strongest pheromones found in the top-rated pheromones on the market.        Androstenone -- This pheromone is found in both men and women, is predominantly known as a male pheromone. Women often perceive men wearing androstenone as more powerful and masculine. This allows you to be the centre of attention and women will notice you more. Isn't it amazing how much information can be transferred through a single page? So much stands to gain, and to lose about Pheromones through a single page.

Androstenol -- There are Two Types of Adrostenol
The alpha and beta isomers, which each giving a slightly different effect. The alpha and beta have the opposite effect to Androstenone, as they trigger chattiness and friendliness. It is also known to increase sexual appeal making it great for "breaking the ice". Time and tide waits for no man. So once we got an idea for writing on Pheromones, we decided not to waste time, but to get down to writing about it immediately!

Chikara Cologne  Alter Ego For Men  Enhanced Liquid Trust  Primal Instinct  Alpha-7 Scented        Check out my complete reviews of the top rated pheromones and see how they stack up at *****

  • Pheromones act as a form of chemical communication between human beings.
  • These chemicals are well known for their ability to attract members of the opposite sex.
Pheromones can be Combined and Topically Applied
Pheromone colognes and perfumes sold on the Internet can help people be more attractive to members of the opposite sex, while at the same time be more respected by members of the same sex. We consider that we have only touched the perimeter of information available on Pheromones. There is still a lot more to be learnt! ;)

There are Four Common Types of Human Pheromones:
Androstenone, or A-None is found in both men and women, however, it is usually known of as a male pheromone because it creates a dominant and aggressive aura and projects an aggressive alpha impression. Also, this pheromone can cause people to act more polite to the wearer. Androstenone has quite a strong and sharp smell in high concentrations, so wearing a decent cover fragrance over androstenone applications is necessary. Perhaps you may not have been interested in this passage on Pheromones. In that case, please don't spread this feedback around!

  • Androstadienone, or A1 pheromone, probably the most popular pheromone within the pheromones community.
  • This so-called "love pheromone" can increase caring feelings and closeness.
  • Androstenol, or A-Nol, has two types: alpha and beta androstenol, each producing somewhat different results.
  • Alpha androstenol makes the wearer seem more approachable and friendly, and less intimidating by creating an aura of youth and fitness.
  • Alpha androstenol is not "macho" pheromone, like androstenone.
  • Beta androstenol is good for inducing conversations, but it is less popular than alpha-androstenol, possibly because of its limited availability.
  • Androsterone, or A-Rone, creates an aura of protection and reliableness which is usually associated with peaceful alpha males.
  • This pheromone makes the wearer appear to be more masculine.
  • Also, androstenone can enhance or  the effect of other pheromones in a pheromone mix.
Today's generation, human pheromones are making big waves and creating a great impact in the society most especially in the behaviour of human towards attracting the opposite sex. Industries that produce pheromone colognes are rising in popularity nowadays since most savvy marketers recognize the good potential for making money from the public customers who are looking for better ways on how to nail the opposite sex.

Person who buys pheromone products such as pheromone cologne realizes the role of this inanimate sexual chemical in their quest of finding their perfect mate. A dab of a pheromone cologne will not really guarantee you a successful sexual stake. Even if you apply a handful of it, still you need to do your part for you to be noticed. It's not like you'll wear it and then just stay in one corner of your house and wait until your prince charming would come. Of course, you need to go out and socialize and by then, people will notice you. It's not like receiving a light switch without turning it on. You have to put up your strategy and turn on your sex appeal. As we got to writing on Pheromones, we found that the time we were given to write was inadequate to write all that there is to write about Pheromones! So vast are its resources.

Wearing a pheromone cologne instills a breeze of confidence in the person wearing the cologne. However, it is also not good to have too much confidence in you. Don't you ever think that if you walk in the middle of the lime light, in the midst of a beautiful and handsome crowd, people will notice you instantly. The main function of a pheromone cologne is to help you have a sense of confidence in you. It will help you feel good about yourself and create an impression that you are a beautiful person. Once you get the heat, continue to create a good impression and let them notice you and eventually get attracted to you. Mingle if you must. Have conversations with different kind of people and get those pheromones going. People are inclined to think that some matter found here that is pertaining to Pheromones is false. However, rest is assured, all that is written here is true!

Pheromone Cologne can Help You Become a Sexual Magnet
Of course this doesn't mean that it will make you look like someone who is looking for a sexual affair. Rather, it will make you look like someone who is looking for somebody to share your life with. Pheromones and self confidence should come together for you to be able to create a figure of a man or a woman who is worth a second look. Relationships begin with a glance, and as they say, people will get attracted to you by your physical appearance. So, make yourself look good and smell good. It is not merely a matter of dress to impress. Once you go out wearing a pheromone cologne along with a good outfit, it doesn't stop there. Yes, people will notice you with your outer appearance and may come to you just because you look good. The real deal comes in the moment you open your mouth and strike a really good opening line, and then it goes on. Again, pheromone colognes can help you boost your ego by making you smell good and look good at the same time, but you also have to do your part in your quest in looking for your perfect mate. With people wanting to learn more about Pheromones, it has provided the necessary incentive for us to write this interesting article on Pheromones!

  • Pheromones act as a form of chemical communication between human beings.
  • These chemicals are well known for their ability to attract members of the opposite sex.
  • Androstadienone, or A1 pheromone, probably the most popular pheromone within the pheromones community.
  • This so-called "love pheromone" can increase caring feelings and closeness.
  • Androstenol, or A-Nol, has two types: alpha and beta androstenol, each producing somewhat different results.
  • Alpha androstenol makes the wearer seem more approachable and friendly, and less intimidating by creating an aura of youth and fitness.
  • Alpha androstenol is not "macho" pheromone, like androstenone.
  • Beta androstenol is good for inducing conversations, but it is less popular than alpha-androstenol, possibly because of its limited availability.
Pheromones can be Combined and Topically Applied
Pheromone colognes and perfumes sold on the Internet can help people be more attractive to members of the opposite sex, while at the same time be more respected by members of the same sex. It is only because that we are rather fluent on the subject of Pheromones that we have ventured on writing something so influential on Pheromones like this!

  • Androsterone, or A-Rone, creates an aura of protection and reliableness which is usually associated with peaceful alpha males.
  • This pheromone makes the wearer appear to be more masculine.
  • Also, androstenone can enhance or  the effect of other pheromones in a pheromone mix. :o
There are Four Common Types of Human Pheromones:
Androstenone, or A-None is found in both men and women, however, it is usually known of as a male pheromone because it creates a dominant and aggressive aura and projects an aggressive alpha impression. Also, this pheromone can cause people to act more polite to the wearer. Androstenone has quite a strong and sharp smell in high concentrations, so wearing a decent cover fragrance over androstenone applications is necessary. Although there was a lot of fluctuation in the writing styles of we independent writers, we have come up with an end product on Pheromones worth reading!

  • In the Nose of whoever you come in contact with!
  • At least they should be.
  • There it is SEX and SCENT!
  • In that Sexy Part of the Body called the NOSE!
  • Are you repelled by a person for no reason.
  • It may be that their Pheromones just don't mix with yours.
  • You not only smell the sexuality of another person, you sence a Pheromone Attraction coming from their Skin, Body and Mind.
When I First Created NAUGHTY NIGHTS PARFUM, I Was Dripping in Female Pheromones
The Attraction was incredible. I get my share of "Hello, how are you?" But this was truly an interesting Experience. Guys at the Gym, Cabbies, Executives on the Elevator and so on... They all had a Very Special Smile on their faces. I had to move fast...I had forgotten the Female Pheromones. When I returned to my office, a few Lawyers in the Building wanted to linger and talk. What is going on? Lawyers never have time to talk! And when I'm at my office, neither do I. But when I entered the room I realized...oooohhh's those Female Pheromones.  Dwelving into the interiors of Pheromones has led us to all this information here on Pheromones. Pheromones do indeed have a lot to tell!Dwelving into the interiors of Pheromones has led us to all this information here on Pheromones. Pheromones do indeed have a lot to tell!

No Kidding. We all have our very own Special SEXY Scent. You've heard me say this before...In case you forgot, here it is again... "We give off a special aroma from the day we are born and this is our very own essesence, our personal pheromones. It is our own Custom Perfume Ingredient. During Sex this fragrance is highlighted! And that is truly the beginning of SEX AND SCENT."

Your scent when mixed with the right perfume ingredients can be dynamite in the bedroom and cause an incredible attraction wherever you go.  Why... Because Scent Really does log onto Memory. Remember your Mom's special Scent? It might have been a perfume or her style of cooking. When you remember does it bring a smile to your face. Well, when he or she remembers your special scent, guess what happens? I gave out samples of Naughty Nights Parfum to my friends, and the reports were Incredible. To read more about Naughty Nights and Sweet Smell of Sexsuccess, Log on to and click on Pheromones. It was with keen interest that we got about to writing on Pheromones. Hope you read and appreciate it with equal interest.

And so NAUGHTY NIGHTS "Don't go to Bed Without it" TM c2003-2005 Alex Max New York LLC was created.   So it's more than true that some perfumes can actually start the process of sexual attraction. There are certain subtle fragrances if used in a proper combination that can make you attractive to the Opposite Sex or Even Your Own if you are so inclined.

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